What Is The Statute Of Limitations For A Baltimore, Maryland Personal Injury Claim?
Most people who don’t work in the legal system are familiar with the “statute of limitations”. But, are there other time limits that apply?
Maryland law provides special time limits and notification requirements.
An experienced Baltimore personal injury attorney can provide you with guidance on these specific procedures. The general time frame for filing an action for personal injury is three years. That means you must have papers filed with the court before the third anniversary of the loss.
Claims against certain governmental entities have more stringent requirements.
As attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you, if your claim is a tort [e.g. negligence] claim against the State of Maryland, you must notify the state treasurer of the claim with 1 year of the occurrence or the suit will be disallowed, even though the statute of limitations may not run for 2 more years. If your claim is a tort claim against a local government entity, your personal injury lawyer must notify the designated representative within 12 months of the occurrence or the claim will be disallowed, even though the statute of limitations may not run for 2 and one half more years. The previously harsh 6-month time frame has been recently changed by the legislature to bring it in accord with the notice requirements for the State.1