

Over the course of the last decade, I've published in excess of 700 articles in the areas of personal injury, criminal defense, workers' compensation and insurance disputes, generally. If you can't find what you're looking for, feel free to contact me to discuss the details of your case and learn how I can help.

What Is Med Pay or Medical Payments Insurance Coverage in a Premises Liability Case?

I’ve taken a lot of space in these guides describing the various factors that go into an intelligent assessment of the “value” of a case. I’ve said it numerous times, but it bears repeating:  The availability and amount of liability insurance are often hugely import factors in a value assessment. Are there other coverages? We’ve discussed some in other guides [e.g. uninsured or undersinsured motorist coverages]. Businesses and property owners often have another coverage on their policies: “medpay” or medical payments.

MedPay is no-fault insurance coverage carried by businesses that offers a source of payment for medical bills on a no-fault basis.

Seasoned Personal injury and accident lawyers Attorney Eric T. Kirk in Baltimore, MD are well aware that medpay can add some value to a personal injury case.

What Is Med Pay or Medical Payments Insurance Coverage in a Premises Liability Case?

For example, and by way of illustration, assume there is a slip and fall type injury. There is commercial liability coverage that well exceeds the reasonable value of the case. If the claim adjuster is willing to extend $1000 in medpay, as well as intelligently discuss a settlement under liability coverage, then you’ve got an extra $1000 to apply to medical bills, and, correspondingly, an extra $1000 in value on the claim. Perhaps the most important factor about medpay is that one does not need to prove fault to qualify for it. It is a separate coverage from fault-based liability coverage. This is significant as well. A claims adjuster who has a relatively modest or skeptical liability assessment may nevertheless may be able to get the bills paid without an admission of liability.

I’ve handled hundreds of accident claims over the years. I propose an initial legal assessment of a claim and a client conference, all without charge, to anyone who has suffered an injury in any  accident. Contact me today to  begin the process of your financial recovery.