What Are Some Common Injuries From a Car Accident?
Every accident is a unique event. Certainly, every personal injury is likewise unique and singular for the person sustaining it. Having said that, in 25 years of practice, I Attorney Eric T. Kirk have encountered some commonly recurring conditions on a frequent basis. I represented hundreds of people over the years who have suffered with these typical accident related injuries.
Whiplash After Baltimore Car Accident?
What is Whiplash
Whiplash is a neck injury caused by a rapid back-and-forth motion of the head, resembling the cracking of a whip. It often results from rear-end car accidents but can also occur during sports injuries, falls, or physical assaults. The sudden movement stretches and strains the neck’s muscles, ligaments, and tendons, leading to discomfort and potential long-term complications if untreated.
Symptoms of Whiplash
Symptoms typically appear within 24 hours of the injury and can vary in severity. Common signs include neck pain and stiffness, reduced range of motion, headaches (often starting at the base of the skull), and tenderness in the shoulders, arms, or upper back. In some cases, individuals may experience dizziness, fatigue, or tingling sensations in the arms. Severe whiplash can lead to memory issues, difficulty concentrating, and even depression.
Diagnosis and Treatment
Doctors diagnose whiplash through a combination of physical exams, patient history, and imaging tests like X-rays or MRIs to rule out more serious injuries. Treatment usually involves pain management and physical therapy. Over-the-counter pain relievers, heat or ice therapy, and gentle stretching exercises can help alleviate discomfort. In more severe cases, a doctor may recommend prescription medications or specific physical therapy regimens.
Long-Term Effects
While many people recover from whiplash within a few weeks, some may develop chronic pain or long-term complications. This condition, known as chronic whiplash-associated disorder (WAD), can impact daily life and may require ongoing medical care.
Cervical and Lumbar Strains and Sprains
Injuries to the connective tissues are common in the wake of serious Baltimore MVAs.
Pinched Nerve or Herniated Disc
I represent those injured through the negligence of others. I obtain the financial compensation to which they are entitled through successful negotiation with insurance companies, or by obtaining courtroom verdicts. I do not diagnose or treat injured people. Nothing in the materials should be considered medical advice. If you have questions about an injury or a physical condition, you should speak personally to your doctor.