Top 5 Reasons to Hire a Baltimore Criminal Defense Attorney.
As with many things in life, if you find yourself asking the questions, the answer is very probably “yes”. Think for a moment of this question.
“Should I perform that operation on my leg myself, or should I ask a doctor about it?”
Being an accused person is not necessarily, and, most, likely is not a life or death experience. But do not make the mistake of underestimating the consequences of a criminal charge, or worse yet, a conviction on your record. Facing a criminal charge, regardless of the severity, and indeed, many times, in spite of successful outcome, can be a life altering experience. When your freedom, job, and financial security are at risk, there is no room for guesswork. It goes without saying there are no second chances in a criminal prosecution. It is not 2 out of 3.
- An experienced criminal defense attorney Attorney Eric T. Kirk can help you avoid a worst-case scenario by representing you in court or providing you with alternatives to trial.
- An attorney with local criminal defense experience is a factor to consider. I do not represent only those accused in Baltimore City. I’ve seen many recent
- cases coming from Catonsville, a large area in metropolitan Baltimore, south and west of Baltimore itself.
- A criminal defense lawyer can advise you on your defenses, help you understand the charges against you, and potential consequences.
- A lawyer can negotiate a favorable plea bargain
- An attorney can lessen the impacts of dealing with a conviction through effective use of mitigation evidence.
- Seasoned, experienced defense attorneys are often are familiar with the prosecutors and judge involved in your case. In many cases, an experienced criminal defense attorney can advise you of a judge’s tendencies, likes, dislikes or outlook on particular classes of cases.