The Insurance Company Denied My Claim. Do I Get A Refund?
Baltimore Insurance Dispute Lawyer,
Baltimore Uninsured/Undersinsured Motorist Insurance Cases,
Personal Injury,
We’ve explored in another guide what every Baltimore personal injury lawyer knows- insurance companies deny claims. Experienced personal injury lawyers in Baltimore know that it happens frequently. Consider a situation where your own insurance company –as opposed to the liability insurer of the other driver in a typical Baltimore automobile accident- denies your claim, As attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you.
Perhaps personal injury protection or uninsured motorist benefits are not paid. Section 27-403 of the insurance code makes it a “fraudulent insurance act” for the insurer to fail to return premiums, where the “insurance contracted for, is not provided.” Does this apply to a situation where you own insurance company denies any recovery to you for personal injury protection or uninsured/ underinsured motorists coverage claims? By its terms, it would seem to. As of this writing, there does not appear to be any clear Maryalnd case law decision on the subject.