Serious Traffic Offenses

Incarceable Traffic Offenses Require a Serious Defense Attorney in Baltimore, MD

Maryland law treats certain traffic and license and insurance-related offenses quite seriously. In fact, there are nearly 40 traffic and licensing related offenses that can be dealt with harshly in court. It’s common knowledge you can get into trouble for having a suspended license or not having the proper insurance. Many drivers may not be aware that

There is Potential for Jail Time When it Comes to Serious Traffic Offenses

Most of us tend not to treat ordinary traffic citations seriously. If you are given a citation for speeding or not stopping at a sign, absent special circumstances- why would you? The common course of action is to simply pay the fine, and move on. If you are concerned about your insurance, plead not guilty, go to court, then plead guilty with an explanation. 

Some offenses, although falling under the heading “traffic,” are different. In some settings, these offenses are labeled “serious”, and indeed the consequences can be just that. 

A more appropriate designation is “incarcerable traffic offenses”. This means, if convicted, you could be sentenced to time in jail or prison and subject to substantial fines.
The advice rendered here deals with these more serious offenses. You must initially be prepared to deal with the direct impact of a finding of guilt: fines and the possibility of jail time. Convictions also have collateral consequences- points on your license or an increase in insurance rates. Too many points will lead to a suspension or revocation of your driving privileges. Also, new drivers in the Graduated License System are subject to additional penalties under different laws that are specifically applicable to them.

If you have been charged with a serious/incarcerable traffic defense, nothing is more important than an immediate exploration of potential defenses to the charge with an experienced attorney.

Call Now: (410) 591-2835

What Reasons Do The Police Need to Stop My Car?

Common Serious Traffic Offenses Include:

  • Driving with a suspended license
  • Driving without a license
  • Driving without insurance
  • DUI manslaughter
  • DUI serious bodily injury
  • Fleeing and eluding
  • Leaving the scene of an accident (hit and run)
  • Altered or forged documents or plates

What about negligent driving?

If you are issued a citation for a serious traffic offense, it is imperative to speak to an experienced attorney as soon as possible.

As an experienced criminal defense lawyer, I will assess the strength of the state’s case and its ability to prove the case at trial. I will also advise you on extrajudicial steps you can take that may lessen any penalty and, if possible, give you an informed opinion on how a particular judge typically views similar cases. If you’re facing a serious traffic charge, especially if it’s not your first offense, contact me today to schedule a complimentary analysis of the charge and an informed discussion of your case.

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    Cite Spacer R.S. Baltimore, MD,
  • Thank you Eric Kirk for your superb handling of my Worker’s Compensation Case. You were very thorough and took the time to understand me and what I was experiencing, working with me side-by side. You were recommended to me by a satisfied prior client and I would recommend you 100%. Thanks again for a job well done.

    Cite Spacer K.G. Baltimore, MD,
  • Thank you Eric Kirk for your superb handling of my Worker’s Compensation Case. You were very thorough and took the time to understand me and what I was experiencing, working with me side-by side. You were recommended to me by a satisfied prior client and I would recommend you 100%. Thanks again for a job well done.

    Cite Spacer K.G. Baltimore, MD,
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