

Over the course of the last decade, I've published in excess of 700 articles in the areas of personal injury, criminal defense, workers' compensation and insurance disputes, generally. If you can't find what you're looking for, feel free to contact me to discuss the details of your case and learn how I can help.

What If I Can’t Find The Person that Hit Me: The Hit and Run Accident

Navigating Claims After a Baltimore Hit-and-Run Accident If you’ve been injured in a hit-and-run accident or by an uninsured driver, you might feel overwhelmed and uncertain about where to turn. What If I Can’t Find The Person that Hit Me? The hit and run accident was not your fault. Are you entitled to compensation? An... Read more »

Can a Pedestrian Operating Operating Under A Disability Be At Fault for An Accident?

Baltimore personal injury lawyers sometimes argue cases involving the unfortunate meeting of a car and a pedestrian. Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you. As you might imagine, cars are undefeated in these contests. Some rules establish who is at fault. Special rules apply where the pedestrian is operating under a disability. It certainly comes as... Read more »

What Reasons Can The Insurance Company Use to Deny My Claim?

In theory, the reasons that an insurance company can use to deny a claim are as limitless as the imagination of the creative adjuster.  So long as there is some factual basis for the denial, there are no limitations. Most insurance companies are huge entities with massive resources that dwarf those of the individuals with whom... Read more »

What is Personal Injury Protection Under Maryland Insurance Law?

Almost any Baltimore personal injury lawyer Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you that PIP benefits are ‘no-fault‘, ‘first-party’ insurance benefits. ‘No-fault’ means that if you get injured in an automobile accident, then no matter what the cause of the accident is, you receive the benefits.  Now, you can’t collect if you intentionally caused the accident, or if... Read more »

If I Let An Intoxicated Person Drive My Car, Am I Responsible?

Unfortunately, these are questions that are often not asked until it is too late. Baltimore personal injury lawyers Attorney Eric T. Kirk have successfully argued that a non-driving owner is responsible for the conduct of a non-owner driver in causing where that owner is present in the car. Maryland law provides that if the owner... Read more »

Can You Turn Right From The Middle Lane?

It is illegal, and negligent, to take away the right of way from another vehicle that lawfully possesses that right of way. Experienced Baltimore personal injury lawyers have likely litigated cases where a driver makes a right turn, and “cuts off” another driver. I’ Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you. The Md. Transportation code requires... Read more »

Did I Have the Right of Way?

For most of us, including most Baltimore personal injury lawyers, it has been a long time since Driver’s Ed. Of course, if a sign, or traffic light controls an intersection, those traffic control devices determine who has the right of way. As Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you. But what if there is no traffic control... Read more »

Is A Baltimore Owner Responsible For Personal Injury If Their Dog Bites Me?

Is A Baltimore Owner Responsible For Personal Injury If Their Dog Bites Me? Yes in most instances. Baltimore law provides the owner of an animal is charged with a duty or using ordinary care in controlling the animal. Some seasoned Baltimore personal injury lawyers like  Attorney Eric T. Kirk have litigated cases in which a... Read more »

When Does Strict Liability Apply in a Personal Injury Claim?

Often, people incorrectly assume if they are injured, they recovery money. If it were that easy, I would likely not have a job. By way of example only, let’s assume unusually strong winds knock a tree over, and onto a car. The occupant of that car receives a modest injury and quite a bit of a... Read more »

What is Involved in a Strict Liability Claim?

A Baltimore personal injury lawyer trying a strict liability products case must prove that the product was defective and “unreasonably dangerous” when it left the seller’s control; that the defective condition did, in fact, cause the injury, and that the product was not altered. Courts have described three ways to prove a defect: Attorney Eric... Read more »

What Does Unreasonably Dangerous Mean in the Setting of a Products Liability Case?

We’ve seen that a Baltimore personal injury lawyer trying a strict liability products case must prove that the product was both defective and “unreasonably dangerous” when it left the seller’s control to prevail. As Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you, Maryland law provides that an object is “unreasonably dangerous” when there is a defect... Read more »

When Can an Injury From a Manufacturing Defect Entitle You to Compensation?

We’ve seen that the elements of “defective” and “unreasonably dangerous” can be proven by showing a flawed design, or by showing a defect in the manufacturing of the product itself. Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you. The concept of faulty design is explored in another chapter. A Baltimore personal injury lawyer trying a strict liability... Read more »

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