

Over the course of the last decade, I've published in excess of 700 articles in the areas of personal injury, criminal defense, workers' compensation and insurance disputes, generally. If you can't find what you're looking for, feel free to contact me to discuss the details of your case and learn how I can help.

What is Considered Public Assistance Fraud in Maryland?

It comes as no surprise to most, but, it is in fact illegal to obtain money, food stamps or other assistance by fraud. Fraud can include: a misrepresentation of household size or income levels, or a failure to report changes therein. Experienced Baltimore criminal defense attorneys Attorney Eric T. Kirk has seen that fraud in this... Read more »

Possession of a Burglar’s Tool

Another way to commit fourth-degree burglary is to be caught in the possession of a burglar’s tool in circumstances indicating you intend to use it to commit a burglary. Experienced criminal defense attorneys  Attorney Eric T. Kirk in Baltimore are well aware of the statutory definition of a burglar’s tool. It includes many of the more... Read more »

What is Rouge and Vagabond Under Baltimore, MD Law?

Experienced Baltimore criminal defense attorney Attorney Eric T. Kirk has been confronted with yet another way commit burglary: to be caught in the possession of a tool in circumstances indicating one intends to burglarize a car. This provision also punishes separate conduct not involving a tool. The same law punishes a person who is in or “on” a car in... Read more »

Burglary With a Destructive Device.

The aggressive criminal defense lawyer Attorney Eric T. Kirk in Baltimore may well be aware that the law defines a destructive device as a: bomb grenade mine missile, or any device that has the “destructive characteristics of military ordinance.” Obviously, these are potentially lethal munitions. Handling such objects, alone, requires some level of training. But the... Read more »

The Burglary of a Research Facility

Burglarizing a research facility might seem like a fairly obscure offense, one that might be punishable under the general burglary provisions. As the old adage goes if they have to go through the trouble to pass a law against it, there must be a problem. A research facility is defined as: “means an enclosure or... Read more »

What Conduct is Considered Stalking Under Maryland Law?

“Stalking” is a specific, and serious, crime under Maryland law, and also a term in common usage. The statutory meaning and common usage of the term are not a match. Stalking, the crime, under the law, is defined as a course of conduct, where one purses another, or otherwise puts that person in fear of a... Read more »

How is Harassment Different From Stalking in Baltimore?

Stalking is a serious crime in Maryland, punishable by up to five years in prison. Experienced Baltimore criminal defense lawyers Attorney Eric T. Kirk knows that it is not necessary that the defendant actually follow a victim in order to sustain a stalking conviction. The crime of harassment, on the other hand, may be proved by... Read more »

Is the Misuse of a Telephone a Crime in Maryland?

The conduct does not sound criminal. And indeed, the proper use of a telephone is not criminal. Misuse doesn’t sound like a crime, but you would be surprised. Maryland law prohibits the making of an anonymous call, or repeated calls, that are intended to threaten or harass a victim. The aggressive criminal defense lawyer Attorney... Read more »

Is It s Crime in Maryland to Harass Someone by Email and Texts?

A lot of people likely feel that email is misused. Bad jokes, impotence cures, chain emails, unwanted political commentary, commercial spam, and outright scams litter everyone’s inbox. But at what point does sending these things become criminal? Experienced Baltimore criminal defense lawyers Attorney Eric T. Kirk are aware of the statue that punishes any email that... Read more »

Is It a Crime to Misuse a Laser Pointer In Baltimore?

Is It a Crime to use a Laser Pointer In Baltimore? No it is not. Is It a Crime to Misuse a Laser Pointer In Baltimore? It is illegal to use a laser pointer to harass another –by making them think someone in pointing a gun with a laser scope on them, or by actually... Read more »

Defrauding the State. What is Welfare Fraud?

Most experienced Baltimore criminal defense lawyers have, at one time or another, handled a case or two where it is was alleged their client engaged in some type of ‘welfare or Medicaid fraud‘. Fraud is described, generally, as: a material misrepresentation of fact intentionally  of recklessly made with the intent to mislead the recipient detrimental... Read more »

Is it a Crime to Open or Take Someone’s Mail?

Most people will tell you stealing mail is a “federal offense”. Well, the experienced Baltimore criminal defense lawyer Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you it is a state crime as well. Under federal law: ‘Whoever steals or by deception obtains, any mail, from any post office, or station thereof, letter box, mail receptacle, or or... Read more »

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