How Does Some Arrested Get To “Come Home On The Box” In Baltimore, MD?
One arrested and held in custody pending trial may be eligible to serve some of their pretrial detention on home monitoring/detention. The concept, perhaps historically understood as “house arrest” is colloquially referred to as ‘coming home on the box’ by many. Technically, “electronic supervision means monitoring of an inmate’s location or whereabouts through the use of devices that... Read more »
When Does A Maryland Inmate Get To “Come Home On The Box”?
An inmate, incarcerated and serving a sentence in custodial confinement, may be eligible for home detention for the balance of the sentence, if certain criteria are met. The concept, perhaps historically understood as “house arrest”, and currently referred to as “home detention” is colloquially referred to as ‘coming home on the box’ by many. Initially, the Department of Corrections must determine the offender poses... Read more »
What Should I Do If I Am Charged With A Maryland Burglary?
As a Maryland criminal defense attorney, one thing I can say with absolute and unhesitating certainty is that any type a criminal charge– no matter how seemingly trivial or insignificant- is of the upmost gravity. I Attorney Eric T. Kirk have handled thousands of cases over the years, and seen many more. Many people accused... Read more »
Charged With A Baltimore Second Degree Assault?
It goes without saying that anyone charged with having committed a crime in the state of Maryland is facing one of, if not the most, dire situations of their life. Attorney Eric T. Kirk says the consequences of a criminal conviction are lasting and can be devastating to one’s educational, residential and career prospects. It is... Read more »
What Should I Do If I’m Arrested For Shoplifting In Baltimore?
Quite obviously, any criminal conviction can have lifelong and lasting implications. It goes without saying that possessing a criminal record can have a devastating impact on the educational or employment prospects of an individual. A theft conviction is one of those blemishes on a record that can simply haunt an individual for the rest of their life.... Read more »
Next Steps After Baltimore Drug Possession Charge?
What are the “Next Steps” after a Baltimore Drug Possession Charge? The advice does not vary, although the specific type of crime charged here can make a significant difference not only in potential sentences but also in methods strategies and defenses involved in a drug case. As attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you, under Maryland... Read more »
If I Am Arrested On A Maryland Charge, What Rights Do I Have?
Anyone arrested or charged with the crime in Maryland enjoys certain constitutional and statutory substantive rights. In some respects, any accused individual enjoys the same constitutional rights as all citizens, but it is in the when that citizen faces a criminal prosecution that those rights become operative, come to the forefront, and are employed defensively, for the protection of the accused. “The right of... Read more »
What is the Right to a Speedy Trial Under the 6th Amendment?
Under Maryland law, which necessarily includes the rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, a defendant charged with a crime enjoys two distinct “speedy trial” rights. One is based on the 6th Amendment which provides: “In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial….” The other is found in the Maryland Code, and is commonly... Read more »
What is the Right to a Speedy Trial In Baltimore? The Hicks Rule.
Under well known Maryland law, the State must bring a defendant to trial before the 180th day after the first of: The appearance of counsel, or The first appearance of the defendant before the circuit court -Criminal Procedure Article §6-103 and Maryland Rule 4-271. This rule is popularly known as the “Hicks” deadline, and... Read more »
What Can I Do If The Police Claim They Found Drugs in My Car?
In the typical scenario, police claim that a motorist committed a traffic infraction, pull over the driver, and, during the course of that stop, “uncover” contraband, typically drugs, and arrest the person for a narcotics offense. Two concepts are vital to the defense of the case. What was the reason to stop the car? Once... Read more »
What Are The Best Defenses To A Maryland DUI Charge?
Any criminal charged brought in the state of Maryland may also have logically accompanying defenses. For example self-defense in an assault case, or a good faith claim of right in an alleged theft case. In my Attorney Eric T. Kirk view there are three defenses to a DUI charge in Maryland that are the most effective in the appropriate circumstance. The officer... Read more »
How Long Will My Baltimore Criminal Case Take?
It perhaps goes without saying that anyone charged with a Maryland crime wants the matter to be done, resolved and finished as quickly as possible. It may be that in specific applications, a defendant perceives that delay, and perhaps lengthy delay, actually gives them a tactical or strategic advantage over the prosecution. That may be... Read more »