Is A Baltimore Owner Responsible For Personal Injury If Their Dog Bites Me?
Is A Baltimore Owner Responsible For Personal Injury If Their Dog Bites Me? Yes in most instances. Baltimore law provides the owner of an animal is charged with a duty or using ordinary care in controlling the animal. Some seasoned Baltimore personal injury lawyers like Attorney Eric T. Kirk have litigated cases in which a... Read more »
What Does Unreasonably Dangerous Mean in the Setting of a Products Liability Case?
We’ve seen that a Baltimore personal injury lawyer trying a strict liability products case must prove that the product was both defective and “unreasonably dangerous” when it left the seller’s control to prevail. As Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you, Maryland law provides that an object is “unreasonably dangerous” when there is a defect... Read more »
Are My Medical Bills Paid Out Of My Personal Injury Award?
As discussed elsewhere, insurance carriers that have paid medical bills related to a car accident, or the providers themselves, will assert a claim, or a “lien” on any amount you are awarded. One of the most important roles a Baltimore personal injury attorney should fill is as a negotiator of these liens. An effective attorney often... Read more »
Value of An Average Baltimore Car Accident Case ?
The figures recited here are a little dated at this point. Unfortunately, I am not aware of any recent national study of the breadth and scope of the undertaking relied upon for the statistics herein. What Is My Baltimore Personal Injury Case Worth? The most recent national study conducted by the Department of Justice tells... Read more »
Does Where the Accident Happened Determine How Much I Get?
Personal injury lawyers in Baltimore know that it could be the single most important factor in any meritorious case. “Venue” is where, in Maryland, the action is tried. In a typical motor vehicle or car accident case, this is going to be where the at-fault driver lives or works, and possibly where the car accident occurred.... Read more »
Are There Rules For Baltimore Insurance Claims Adjusters?
Many states and localities have enacted rules that govern what an insurance claims adjuster does, says, and how they act. Baltimore does not have a comprehensive set of rules for insurance claims adjusters. Maryland has chosen not to enact a specific training or experience requirements that govern claim adjusters. An ethical rule in effect in... Read more »
How Do the Costs of Litigation Effect The Value of My Personal Injury Case?
It’s no secret that litigation is expensive. We’ve all seen movies where the litigation costs in a toxic tort claim against a fortune 500 company bankrupt the participates. Those types of claims are seminal, and far afield from the typical case litigated in Baltimore, Maryland. But even straightforward motor vehicle accidents can cost thousands of... Read more »
I’m Easily Injured. Am I Still Entitled to Compensation for an Accident?
It’s not a laughing matter, but Baltimore personal injury lawyers Attorney Eric T. Kirk know the law recognizes that, yes, unfortunately, a given person may be more likely or more easily injured than another. The age-old adage is that an at-fault party “takes his or her plaintiff as he or she finds them”. If that results... Read more »
The Insurance Company Says The Value of My Case Must be Reduced to Present Value.
Baltimore personal injury lawyers would probably agree this is a complicated subject, well beyond the scope of these volumes. However, the concept plays a significant role in intelligently valuing any serious automobile accident or personal injury case, and evaluating the reasonableness of any settlement. Assume an accident victim sustains a serious injury, and will require medical care... Read more »
Can I Recover More Than The At Fault Driver Has For Insurance? What is an Excess Judgment?
The answer is “yes”, but it’s not easy. One scenario is the “excess judgment”. For example, assume your Baltimore car accident case goes to trial, and you receive $40,000, and the defendant was insured for $30,000. The insurance company for the defendant pays the $30,000. But by the terms of the policy, that is the... Read more »
The Insurance Company Denied My Claim or Made a LowBall Offer. Can I Sue Them?
It’s an unfortunately common scenario. The insurance company for the at-fault driver offers you a few hundred dollars in settlement of your personal injury claim. They tell you that it is difficult to understand how you were hurt because the vehicles involved did not sustain massive property damage that costs thousands of dollars to repair -or some... Read more »
I Lost My Job Because Of This Accident. Can I Recover My Lost Wages?
You bet. If you are hurt in a Maryland automobile accident by the negligence of another, and are kept out of work by a doctor, the wages you’ve lost are recoverable. If you are given a light duty or part time duty restriction by your doctor, you’re entitled to recover the difference between what you... Read more »