Do Car Insurance Companies Make More Money by Denying or Underpaying on Auto Accident Claims?
The is no doubt that the Maryland car insurance industry as a whole is enormously profitable. Baltimore personal injury attorneys devote a substantial portion of their resources to litigating accident claims an insurance company has denied. It makes some logical sense that any business that takes in more in revenue than it pays out in... Read more »
How Can An Insurance Company Tell Me I Have Not Been Injured In A Car Accident?
The property and casualty insurance industry, as a whole, denies thousands upon thousands of claims a year. In thousands upon thousands of more claims, an insurance company will offer -what the personal injury attorney and injured person certainly believe is – far below reasonable and fair compensation in settlement. Insurance companies routinely can and do take... Read more »
Factors Considered In Determining The Value Of Baltimore Wrongful Death Claim?
I’ve often said that is a key, perhaps the key, role of personal injury attorney to intelligently and accurately assess the value of a case. That role assumes even more significance in a wrongful death action. It goes without saying that monetarily quantifying the value of someone’s life is not possible. Money is surely no substitute for one’s health... Read more »
What Damages Are Awarded for a Baltimore Wrongful Death?
Maryland law recognizes two primary categories of damages in personal injury-including Baltimore wrongful death cases: economic and non-economic. Experienced Baltimore injury trial lawyers recognize, generally, economic damages are straightforward, covering things like medical bills, lost wages, and out-of-pocket expenses. These are straightforward calculations based on actual costs incurred. Non Economic Damages In Baltimore, generally Those... Read more »
Is There A Limit or Cap On Compensation in a Maryland Personal Injury Case?
Maryland, like most states, has chosen to strike the balance between victims of negligence and the interests of business and the insurance industry in favor of the latter. Maryland sets a limit on how much an even catastrophically injured victim can recover for pain, suffering and disfigurement. Maryland’s limitation on damages in personal injury cases... Read more »
What Is The Difference Between An Accident, a Mistake And An Act Of Negligence in Maryland?
Perhaps the essential difference- from a legal perspective- is that an accident is an event, regardless of cause or effect, albeit an unexpected one, whereas an act of negligence necessarily involves the conduct of some human actor, or the result of some human endeavor or mechanism. The practical consequence of this difference is that our system... Read more »
Three Little Known Facts About Baltimore Car Accidents.
I’m often asked what are the most common questions, events, steps or outcome for Baltimore personal injury cases. I have handled thousands, so I have some thoughts on those topics. What about a difference approach to the Baltimore car accident? What are Three Little Known Facts About Baltimore Car Accidents? Baltimore’s Unique Traffic Patterns Contribute... Read more »
Permanent Injury From a Baltimore Car Accident? How Can You Protect Your Future?
Permanent Injury From a Baltimore Car Accident? How Can You Protect Your Future? If you have been involved in a serious accident or injury causing event, perhaps the single most consuming question you have it what will happen to you, to your family, down the line. Baltimore law provides compensation for future lost earnings, and... Read more »
Who Is Responsible For Medical Expenses After A Baltimore Car Accident?
Medical costs can mount quickly in the wake of any serious automobile accident. Emergency room visits, diagnostic testing, physical therapy and pain management expenses can escalate, spiral, and become overwhelming. If there is a party deemed or determined to be “at-fault” for causing an accident they are ultimately responsible for the payment of all of... Read more »
Will I Get A Settlement For My Baltimore Personal Injury Case?
Although there are a variety of paths that might lead to resolution of a personal injury claim under Maryland law, there are really only two outcomes. Any claim will resolve through a settlement, or the claim will resolve by court action, As Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you. Statistics show that most cases resolve through... Read more »
How Can I Fully Understand The Value Of My Baltimore Personal Injury Case?
I’ve never met anyone who planned for or desired a serious personal injury. Perhaps the best method to understand the value of that Baltimore personal injury case is to get the guidance of a skilled lawyer. In the wake of a serious injury causing event, the victim can feel confused, and perhaps lost. The obstacles... Read more »
Why Does Timing Matter In A Maryland Personal Injury Case ?
There is a theme running through the law: those who “sleep on their rights” should, at some point in time, be precluded from pursuing or exercising those rights. Perhaps the clearest example of this concept is embodied in the various statutes of limitation that dictate when an aggrieved individual must raise their claim in a court of law, or be forever precluded from doing so subsequently. As attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you, in Maryland the statute... Read more »