
Over the course of the last decade, I’ve published in excess of 700 articles in the areas of personal injury, criminal defense, workers’ compensation and insurance disputes, generally. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to contact me to discuss the details of your case and learn how I can help.

Traffic Accident Legal Representative In Baltimore’s Hampden Zone
As an experienced MVA litigator, I serve those injured in the Hampden neighborhood of Baltimore, Maryland—a vibrant community just northwest of downtown, bounded by the Jones Falls Expressway (I...
Division of Property in Divorce
Criminal Defense Lawyer One of the most important issues that two people going through a divorce must settle is how to divide their property.  Knowing procedures for sharing marital property afte...
Hiring a Baltimore Personal Injury Attorney vs. Using Car Insurance
In the aftermath of any significant or catastrophic Baltimore, Maryland automobile accident, there is little doubt that several questions of moment arise. Perhaps not the first, but likely a prominent...
Should I “Let the Car Insurance Handle” My Baltimore Accident Case?
Those injured in automobile accidents frequently ponder if it makes sense to retain an experienced Baltimore personal injury lawyer, or, if they should just “let the insurance handle it.”...
Different Types of Domestic Abuse
Criminal Defense There are several types of domestic violence abuse charges so it is a good idea to know the variations of domestic violence so that you may prevent this criminal charge according to T...
Understanding Catastrophic Injury
Brain Injury Attorney If you’ve experienced a brain injury – or you know someone who has – it’s important to understand the cost. Read on to learn more about how a brain injury...
3 Key Things to NOT say about a Baltimore Personal Injury Claim.
I’ve handled thousands of insurance claims over the years. In my practice, we routinely handle car accident claims, personal injury protection claims, homeowners claims and commercial insurance...
Uncloaking The Free Consultation In A Baltimore Personal Injury Case
For many years, I have extended to my prospective or potential clients, or those that are simply contacting me about a general legal question the benefit of a complimentary case analysis and evaluatio...
What Does It Mean To Have PTSD? 
Personal Injury If you were recently in a car accident, you may notice that you are feeling off or not like yourself. Whether you suffered from serious injuries and needed a hospital stay or your inju...
Arrested? What Police Don’t Want You To Know
Criminal Defense The idea of being arrested is a nightmare for most people. So if you have recently been placed into handcuffs and are at risk of being charged with a crime, you’re probably worr...
Mediation In A Baltimore Car Accident Case.
The Participants in Baltimore Personal Injury Mediation. Mediation is a dispute resolution process that is frequently mandated by the court during the pendency of Baltimore personal injury litigation....