
Over the course of the last decade, I’ve published in excess of 700 articles in the areas of personal injury, criminal defense, workers’ compensation and insurance disputes, generally. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to contact me to discuss the details of your case and learn how I can help.

Traffic Accident Legal Representative In Baltimore’s Hampden Zone
As an experienced MVA litigator, I serve those injured in the Hampden neighborhood of Baltimore, Maryland—a vibrant community just northwest of downtown, bounded by the Jones Falls Expressway (I...
Are Car Insurance Companies are Giving COVID-19/ Coronavirus Discounts and Rebates ?
In these articles, As Attorney Eric T. Kirk discussed the insurance industry contention that there is no direct correlation between premiums collected and the enormous profitability of automobile...
Do Car Insurance Companies Make More Money by Denying or Underpaying on Auto Accident Claims?
The is no doubt that the Maryland car insurance industry as a whole is enormously profitable. Maryland personal injury attorneys devote a substantial portion of their resources to litigating accident...
If I’ve Been Injured In An Accident But Do Not Go To The Doctor Because Of COVID-19, Do I Have A Personal Injury Case?
Maryland Insurance companies love to seize on a delay in obtaining medical care as evidence than an individual was in fact not injured. Insurance company attorneys frequently advance this argument in...
Can I File a Maryland Workers’ Compensation Case for coronavirus/ COVID-19?
As of this writing, more than 44,000 Marylanders have contracted COVID-19. The nature of disease and availability of accurate testing would suggest that those individuals are experiencing symptoms of...
The “Insurrection Act”: Can the President Order the Army into Maryland?
The overwhelming outcry against and justifiably furious reaction to the killing of unarmed George Floyd while in the custody of the Minneapolis Police Department* have led to- as yet inchoate- machina...
How Can An Insurance Company Tell Me I Have Not Been Injured In A Car Accident?
The property and casualty insurance industry, as a whole, denies thousands upon thousands of claims a year. In thousands upon thousands of more claims, an insurance company will offer -what the person...
How Much Does A Lawyer Charge For A Car Accident Case?
Most lawyers handle personal injury cases and car accidents in particular on what is known as a contingency fee basis. Contingent refers to something occurring before a fee is due or owing. In the con...
What Happens If I Can’t Settle My Maryland Personal Injury Case With The Insurance Company ?
As a general rule, if discussions breakdown or a reasonable offer of settlement is never extended by an insurance company in the first instance, the only option available is litigation. There are few...
Maryland Courts Re-Opening After COVID-19: When Will My Case Be Set For Trial?
The coronavirus/ COVID-19 pandemic has largely shuttered Maryland’s circuit and district courts since mid-March. “Phase 3, which is expected to begin July 20, will mark the “mileston...
If I Was Injured In a Maryland Car Accident, Who Do I Sue?
You sue the driver of the at-fault vehicle and the owner of that vehicle, and possibly the employer of the at-fault driver. A serious automobile accident, or serious injury of another type f...