
Over the course of the last decade, I’ve published in excess of 700 articles in the areas of personal injury, criminal defense, workers’ compensation and insurance disputes, generally. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to contact me to discuss the details of your case and learn how I can help.

Traffic Accident Legal Representative In Baltimore’s Hampden Zone
As an experienced MVA litigator, I serve those injured in the Hampden neighborhood of Baltimore, Maryland—a vibrant community just northwest of downtown, bounded by the Jones Falls Expressway (I...
How Are Damages Calculated In Personal Injury Cases In Maryland?
Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you. Compensation is based on monetary and non-monetary factors. Transcript Maryland recognizes two classes of damage that are applicable to personal injury cases. On t...
Do I Need An Attorney For My Criminal Case In Maryland?
Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you. Yes. The are no criminal charges that don’t warrant at least a consultation. Transcript My standard answer here is yes. I can’t think of any crime, no...
What Information Should I Obtain After My Maryland Car Accident?
Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you. Identifying and corroborating information is vital. Transcript There’s certain information that’s absolutely vital. You should be familiar with the roa...
What If I Did Not Leave The Scene Of My Maryland Car Accident In An Ambulance? Can I Go To The Hospital On My Own The Next Day?
Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you. If you are hurt, you must be seen by a doctor. Transcript My standard advice is: if you think you’re hurt, you should absolutely be seen by a doctor. I...
What Happens If The Other Driver Involved In The Accident Is Not Insured Or Has Minimal Coverage?
Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you. You look to your uninsured or underinsured insurance coverage.   Transcript If the other driver, the one that’s judged at fault for causing the acc...
What Happens If I Refuse A Breath Test In Maryland?
Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you. You lose the right to drive for 270 days.   Transcript The answer is you lose your license. Maryland, like all states, is an implied consent jurisdiction, mea...
What Defenses Are There In A DUI Or DWI Case?
Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you. There are technical and legal defenses available.   Transcript Someone charged with drunk driving might be able to raise some technical defenses to the charge...
What Can I Recover If I Win My Maryland Personal Injury Case?
Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you. Maryland law allows for the recovery of economic and non-economic damages.   Transcript Maryland law calls compensation in a personal injury case damages or m...
What Are The Typical Steps In A Criminal Proceeding In Maryland?
Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you. Generally, arraignment, discovery and investigation, then trial. Transcript Maryland criminal cases are handled in two different court systems. District Court for...
What Are Some Types Of Drug Crimes?
Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you. Possession, Possession with Intent, Manufacturing and Distribution. Transcript Maryland law labels drugs “controlled and dangerous substances”, or some...