
Over the course of the last decade, I’ve published in excess of 700 articles in the areas of personal injury, criminal defense, workers’ compensation and insurance disputes, generally. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to contact me to discuss the details of your case and learn how I can help.

Traffic Accident Legal Representative In Baltimore’s Hampden Zone
As an experienced MVA litigator, I serve those injured in the Hampden neighborhood of Baltimore, Maryland—a vibrant community just northwest of downtown, bounded by the Jones Falls Expressway (I...
If I Have COVID-19 Can I Get Maryland Workers’ Compensation Benefits?
The CDC and WHO tell us that that the virus that causes COVID-19 is novel. Injured workers who have continued to work during the pandemic will present novel legal issues when claiming Maryland COVID-1...
List of Maryland Businesses That May Stay Open During COVID-19 Pandemic
The following businesses are not required to close: As Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you. Pharmaceutical manufacturers. Chemical manufacturers. Distributors of chemicals and pharmaceuticals. Lo...
Are There Parties Other Than The At-Fault Party Who I Can Bring A Maryland Personal Injury Claim Against?
As Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you. Individuals Other Than The Driver May Be Responsible for A Maryland Car Accident Transcript There certainly can be. In Maryland, there’s a presumptio...
Do I Have To Pay Any Of My Medical Bills For A Work-Related Injury In Maryland?
As Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you. No. The employer, and/or their insurance company are responsible for these costs. Transcript No. If you’re hurt at work, your medical expenses are the res...
Do I Have To Give A Recorded Statement To The Insurance Company In A Maryland Auto Accident Case?
As Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you. You must give a statement to your insurance company, but not the other side’s.   Transcript No, you don’t have to give a recorded statement to...
Can The Police Conduct A Search Without A Warrant In Maryland?
As Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you. Police need a warrant, or an exception, before they can search.   Transcript The Fourth Amendment protects all citizens from unreasonable searches and seiz...
Can Social Media Or Internet Information Be Used To Prove A Case Against Me In Court?
As Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you. Your social media posts are generally admissible against you in court.   Transcript Absolutely. Like any other piece of information that’s out there,...
Can I Sue The Driver Of The Car I Was Riding In If I Was Injured In A Maryland Car Accident?
As Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you. A driver is always responsible if they were negligent.   Transcript Yes, you can, so long as there’s some reason to believe that that individual caus...
Can I Sue My Maryland Employer For A Fall?
As Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you. An employer is generally immune from a lawsuit for personal injury.   Transcript Maryland employers generally enjoy what is called workers’ compensat...
Can I Receive Money Even If The Maryland Car Accident Was My Fault?
As Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you. If you are at fault, Maryland law prohibits recovery.   Transcript Unfortunately, no. Maryland is one of five remaining jurisdictions that still has the an...