
Over the course of the last decade, I’ve published in excess of 700 articles in the areas of personal injury, criminal defense, workers’ compensation and insurance disputes, generally. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to contact me to discuss the details of your case and learn how I can help.

Traffic Accident Legal Representative In Baltimore’s Hampden Zone
As an experienced MVA litigator, I serve those injured in the Hampden neighborhood of Baltimore, Maryland—a vibrant community just northwest of downtown, bounded by the Jones Falls Expressway (I...
My Car Does Not Have A Lot of Damage. Does That Mean I Was Not Hurt?
It is a classic, prototypical, archetypal, insurance defense argument, advanced in thousands of courtrooms, thousand of times a day. As Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you. There is no visible pr...
What Are the Grounds for Presidential Impeachment?
Article 1, Section 4 provides that a sitting president “shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” A gene...
How Can The Court Determine Who Is Telling The Truth About An Accident Or A Personal Injury?
It comes as somewhat of a surprise to many individuals- especially those who are facing the daunting prospects of litigation for the first time- that simply getting on the stand and telling your story...
What Are Three Common Elements Occurring In Every Personal Injury Negligence Case ?
Every personal injury negligence-based claim that I have handled over the course of 25 years has had three common elements that I would believe- by definition- occur in every personal injury claim in...
What Do I Need To Win My Personal Injury Case In Court?
In a civil case, the party seeking relief -which in the typical civil case is monetary relief, compensation or money damages- bears the burden of proving their case to a judge or a jury. In other word...
Surveillance, Body Cam, Cameras, Footage, Film and the Maryland Car Accident.
In looking at some of the literature on the prevalence of closed-circuit TV, video surveillance, dash cams, body cam, drones, and any number of relatively modestly-priced visual surveillance devices f...
Am I Entitled To Collect Pain And Suffering From My Own Insurance Company?
This is an interesting question. In order to understand the answer, one must first understand the types of insurance coverage available, and the types of damages awarded, generally, under Maryland law...
Can An Insurance Company Doctor Say I Was Not Injured. What Is An Insurance Independent Medical Examination?
It is quite common in both personal injury litigation and workers’ compensation litigation for an insurance company to retain a doctor to examine their claimant, plaintiff, or injured person. In...
Am I Entitled To Compensation From An Insurance Company Because Of The Way They Mishandled My Personal Injury Claim?
The insurance claims process can be enormously frustrating for the claimant, or individual seeking insurance proceeds. A certain amount of conflict is inherent in this situation. On the one hand you h...