
Over the course of the last decade, I’ve published in excess of 700 articles in the areas of personal injury, criminal defense, workers’ compensation and insurance disputes, generally. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to contact me to discuss the details of your case and learn how I can help.

Car Accident Attorney Lauraville 21214
Baltimore has, over the years billed itself as a “city of neighborhoods”. I am a car accident attorney for Lauraville, in Baltimore’s 21214, although I handle personal injury cases t...
Drug/CDS Possession Charge? What If I Had A Prescription?
It is illegal in Maryland to possess a controlled substance  “unless obtained directly or by prescription or order from an authorized provider acting in the course of professional practice...
How Can I Win a Maryland Drug/CDS Possession Case if the Police Found Drugs?
A drug case is just like any other criminal case in a fundamental respect. As always, the State has the burden of proving, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the defendant, on or near his  person or...
#1 Most Important Step After Baltimore Motor Vehicle Accident?
The Foremost Next Step After Baltimore Car Crash? To be sure there are a lot of contenders for the answer to this question. I’ve explored in other articles on this site the various steps that I...
Is Medical Marijuana Legal in Baltimore, MD?
Is legal to have Marijuana In Maryland? You actually get different answers to this question depending on who you ask. The possession of a small amount of marijuana has been decriminalized [i.e. it is...
Will I Get More Money Or Additional Compensation If A Hire A Lawyer To Handle My Personal Injury Case?
There are a variety of studies or statistics that one can find indicating that having an attorney handling a personal injury case can result in an increased financial recovery. I’ve seen studies...
Can Missing My Physical Therapy Or Medical Appointments Destroy My Baltimore Personal Injury Case?
I’m often asked if not being fully and completely compliant with the terms of your medical care can have an impact on the value of your car accident or other personal injury claim. An analogous...
If My Back or Neck Never Hurt Before How Can The Insurance Company Say My Pain Is Not Related to My Accident ?
Over the course of decades representing injured people, I Attorney Eric T. Kirk found that a common scenario is one in which an individual, who has never sought treatment for back or neck pain, f...
Three Common Mistakes To Avoid When Presenting A Baltimore Personal Injury Claim
There are three missteps that can have a dramatic effect on the valuation of a personal injury case,  and ultimately on the financial recovery or compensation received. The first two are related...
After An Accident Who Should I Call First -A Lawyer Or A Doctor?
A frequent theme running through many of the articles in this library is the absolute need for prompt, competent medical attention immediately after any accident. Attorney Eric T. Kirk’s...
How Does An Attorney Determine How Much To Ask For In A Personal Injury Case?
One of the most important things a personal injury attorney does is to give informed advice to his or her client. In the arena of injury based litigation, it is probable that the most important advice...