Car Accident Attorney Lauraville 21214
Baltimore has, over the years billed itself as a “city of neighborhoods”. I am a car accident attorney for Lauraville, in Baltimore’s 21214, although I handle personal injury cases t...
Top Five Common Mistakes To Avoid If Facing Criminal Charges.
In my line of work, I tend to see some things on a recurring basis. These are actions that an accused person, a defendant in a Maryland criminal case, either takes, or fails to take, that can and do h...
I Was Uninsured During Baltimore Motor Vehicle Accident. Compensation For My Losses?
If you were operating a motor vehicle in Maryland without carrying the required insurance coverage on that car, you may have committed a violation of the Transportation Article. If you were involved i...
If I Have A Prior Accident Or Injury Will It Affect The Value Of My Personal Injury Case ?
Where a subsequent injury is superimposed upon a prior injury to the same part of one’s body, or upon an area for which one has received prior medical care, complicated medical questions can cer...
If Someone Else Was Negligent Can I Sue Them ?
There is a spectrum of human conduct. Not all conduct fits neatly within a predetermined category. If anyone were to examine each of their day to day activities they would see likely countless acts of...
What Information Will I Need to Give to My Car Accident Attorney?
No one wakes up in the morning and decides to have a car accident that day. By its very nature, a motor vehicle collision is an unintended, unforeseen and unanticipated happening. One simply cann...
What Is The Difference Between Possession Of CDS And Possession Of CDS With The Intent To Distribute?
There is no “bright line” rule on the difference between Possession and Possession with intent. The inquiry, and the result, depend on an analysis of factors. The relevant criteria are the...
What Is A Controlled Dangerous Substance, or CDS, In Maryland?
The substances commonly referred to as “drugs” are defined and formally referred to under Maryland law as controlled dangerous substances. The common acronym used in legal proceedings, cha...
Is Marijuana Legal In Maryland? The Possession Of Less Than 10 Grams/ “Personal Use” Exception
The possession of fewer than 10 grams of marijuana is considered a civil offense under Maryland law. If the police believe someone is in possession of fewer than 10 grams of marijuana, they are instru...
What is Considered Drug Paraphernalia In Baltimore, MD?
Maryland law punishes the use, the possession with intent to use [except paraphernalia connected with marijuana], unauthorized delivery or sale, or advertisement of drug paraphernalia A first of...
Is A Drug Charge More Serious if Fentanyl is Found?
As Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you. Fentanyl is an extraordinarily potent narcotic. “Pharmaceutical fentanyl is a synthetic opioid pain reliever, approved for treating severe pain, typi...