
Over the course of the last decade, I’ve published in excess of 700 articles in the areas of personal injury, criminal defense, workers’ compensation and insurance disputes, generally. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to contact me to discuss the details of your case and learn how I can help.

Accidental Injury Counselor for Baltimore’s Medfield/21211 Neighborhood
Quality legal service, like well-known, time-honored respected and trusted brands, simply never goes out of style. A skilled accidental injury counselor for Baltimore’s Medfield/21211 neighborho...
Can I have a Conviction Expunged in Maryland?
Until quite recently, the answer to that question was a resounding “no” except for some very minor crimes more akin to municipal offenses. Perhaps the paradigmatic example was “publi...
What Is The Value of My Baltimore Personal Injury Case?
What Factors Determine Value of a Baltimore Personal Injury Case? When evaluating a motor vehicle accident case, location plays a crucial role. According to Attorney Eric T. Kirk, venue—whether...
I Have A Maryland Warrant For My Arrest. What Should I Do?
There are not a lot of great options in this situation, but there are alternatives. The standard advice I give all questioners is to obey the warrant, contact law enforcement, and follow their instruc...
Do Medical Expenses Affect the Settlement Value of a Baltimore Personal Injury Case?
There is no question that medical expenses impact the settlement value accorded Baltimore’s personal injury claims. When determining the settlement value of a Baltimore personal injury case, the...
Is My Personal Injury Case Worth More In Baltimore?
Not all personal injury cases are created equally. Each is unique. “Is My Personal Injury Case Worth More In Baltimore?” Seasoned Baltimore trial lawyers agree many factors are involved in...
Is Insurance Coverage Important In Valuation Of A Baltimore Personal Injury Case?
Is Insurance Coverage Important In Valuation Of A Baltimore Personal Injury Case? You bet. Can you collect compensation for a Baltimore car accident if there’s no insurance? Yes, but it’s...
Can I get Non-Economic Damages in a Baltimore Personal Injury Case?
A fair questions is always “Can I get Non-Economic Damages in a Baltimore Personal Injury Case?”. The answer is “YES”, if you can prove it with the help of an experienced Balti...
Is Enhanced Underinsured Motorist Insurance Coverage Offered in Maryland?
Maryland, a few years ago, enacted statutory provisions requiring insurance companies writing automobile business in this state to offer a form of uninsured coverage called “enhanced underinsure...
You Are Charged With A Crime. How Can You Prove That You Are Innocent?
This notion comes up frequently during the course of consultations with prospective clients that have been charged with a crime. As a technical matter, no one ever has to prove they are innocent. Ever...
How Does the State Prove Fourth Degree Burglary in Maryland?
How the State proves Fourth Degree Burglary in Maryland has much to do with the differences between Fourth Degree and the elements of the other forms of the offense. Seasoned Baltimore criminal attorn...