Car Accident Attorney Lauraville 21214
Baltimore has, over the years billed itself as a “city of neighborhoods”. I am a car accident attorney for Lauraville, in Baltimore’s 21214, although I handle personal injury cases t...
Is There A Limit To How Much I Can Recover In A Maryland Personal Injury Case?
I Attorney Eric T. Kirk discussed the various and myriad factors that go into assessing and assigning a value to a personal injury case in other Articles. Maryland law divides damages into two br...
Is It Illegal To Record Someone On Video Without Them Knowing It In Maryland?
The answer is yes. It can be. It depends on where, and under what circumstances, that recording occurs. Generally, what one exposes to the public is fair game. The concept of privacy is a core and a c...
Reasons to Hire a Baltimore Personal Injury Lawyer
As long as you’re alive -you’re vulnerable to accidents. When ‘accidents’ result from the misconduct of another, the law providers a remedy. If circumstances warrant, you may c...
Can I Carry A Stun Gun Or Taser In Maryland?
The short answer is that it depends. Maryland law allows you to possess a stun gun or taser under certain circumstances. As attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you, under the law, stun guns and...
Can I Carry A Concealed Weapon In Baltimore?
Maryland law defines a handgun as a pistol, revolver, or other firearm capable of being concealed on the person. A short-barreled shotgun and a short-barreled rifle are within the definition, while a...
Is It Illegal To Allow Children To Access Firearms In Maryland?
We’ve all see or heard horrific stories of a child getting a hold of a firearm owned by a parent, friend or relative, and injuring themselves – or worse. Certainly, everyone in these...
Is It A Crime To Spit On Someone In Maryland?
It the classic demonstration of contempt in countless movies – spitting in the face of one’s enemy. But in an age of COVID-19- not to mention Ebola, Zika, West Nile, HIV an...
How Much Are Car Accident Lawyer’s Fees?
Although there are no statistics on this, it is likely that most personal injury and car accident cases are handled on a contingency fee basis. Attorney’s fees come in three variations. You may...
Can The Insurance Company Raise My Car Insurance Rates Or Cancel Me If I Am Involved In An Automobile Accident?
This is indeed a frequent question. Most people intuitively know the answer, but ask the question anyway. Certainly – it seems unfair for one to sustain a financial setback in the form a premium...
If I Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer Do I Have to Pay Out of Pocket?
Most personal injury lawyers, and this one is no exception, handle cases on what is called a contingency fee contract. Distilled to its most basic, this is often billed as: As Attorney Eric T. Ki...