Car Accident Attorney Lauraville 21214
Baltimore has, over the years billed itself as a “city of neighborhoods”. I am a car accident attorney for Lauraville, in Baltimore’s 21214, although I handle personal injury cases t...
When Can the Police Search Me or My Car ?
There are limits on what they police can and cannot do. The Constitution, and, in this instance, the Fourth Amendment, provides an important buffer of protection between citizens, and the power of the...
What Happens When the Insurance Company Denies My Claim?
Does the insurance company have to have a reason to fight or deny my claim? That’s another question any seasoned Baltimore car accident lawyer has heard hundreds of times, and most will te...
How Do I Determine Who had the Right of Way and Who is at Fault for the Accident?
If you are involved in an automobile accident, and you have the “right of way”, the other driver is typically going to be considered at fault for the accident. Some rules involving rights...
Uninsured Motorist Insurance Coverage
What is uninsured motorist coverage? Uninsured Motorist coverage is considered “first party” insurance. Like health, or perhaps disability insurance, it is your insurance. You pay the prem...
How long will my Baltimore personal injury case take?
It’s the third most frequent question in my business. Like the other two: “Do I have a case”, and “How much is my case worth”, the answer depends on any number of variabl...
Should I Hire a Lawyer for a Personal Injury Case? What Are The Attorney’s Fees?
Some states require advisory language to appear in lawyer advertisements that reads “the hiring of a lawyer is an important decision”. Nothing could be closer to the truth. Hirin...
What Kind of Lawyer Should I Hire For My Car Accident Case?
When it comes to the decision on “what type of attorney to hire”, I would simply suggest that the analysis used is the same as that used when hiring any other type of profes...
What Are Some Common Injuries From a Car Accident?
Every accident is a unique event. Certainly, every personal injury is likewise unique and singular for the person sustaining it. Having said that, in 25 years of practice, I Attorney Eric T. Kirk...
Does the Amount of Insurance Affect the Value of My Personal Injury Case?
One of the factors in intelligently valuing a case is an assessment of both the availability and the amount of insurance. Insurance coverage in a typical car accident case involves two different poten...
What is Involved in Personal Injury Litigation?
Litigation is not quite simply going to court for a trial. It’s a process rather than event. When attempts at reaching an amicable settlement of a case have failed, the filing of a lawsuit is th...