
Over the course of the last decade, I’ve published in excess of 700 articles in the areas of personal injury, criminal defense, workers’ compensation and insurance disputes, generally. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to contact me to discuss the details of your case and learn how I can help.

Car Accident Attorney Lauraville 21214
Baltimore has, over the years billed itself as a “city of neighborhoods”. I am a car accident attorney for Lauraville, in Baltimore’s 21214, although I handle personal injury cases t...
Assumption of the Risk Defense Law in Baltimore Personal Injury Lawsuits
I Attorney Eric T. Kirk discussed the doctrine of contributory negligence in another chapter of this series. A similar concept sometimes asserted as a defense to a personal injury claim is...
Do You Have To Communicate With Your Insurance Company After Being Injured in an Auto Accident?
While some car accidents are unpreventable, others result out of someone else’s negligence or recklessness. When injured drivers are involved in the latter, they not only have the stress of deal...
Does A Computer Program Determine the Value of a Personal Injury Case?
The use of settlement software by the insurance industry is a well-kept secret, generally. Allstate, which is believed to still use a specific computer program to arrive at a settlement offer-called C...
What Does The Insurance Company Consider A Minor Accident?
It happens every day. A relatively “minor” motor vehicle accident. What is minor to some, may not be minor to others. For the participants, few accidents are minor. Certainly, insurance co...
What Type of Conduct is Considered Negligence Under Maryland Law?
The law imposes on us a duty to act prudently under a given set of circumstances. This is what lawyers recognize as the ‘reasonable person standard’. The law charges all drivers, for examp...
Why Are You A Baltimore Personal Injury Attorney?
Perhaps surprisingly to some, it can be a tough way to make a living. I’m actually a big fan of lawyer jokes and slurs, but I’ve also always objected to the label “ambulance chaser...
What Are The Odds/Chances of Me Winning My Personal Injury Case?
It’s been some time since the numbers have been crunched, but periodically, the Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics accumulated data on a national basis showing the value of, and...
Ice, Snow, Weather Conditions And Their Impact On Fault In A Motor Vehicle Personal Injury Case?
Any personal injury attorney that tries case and has been around for a while has had one of these. The conventional wisdom is that if you are hit in the rear in a car accident, it’s the other dr...
If Snow or Ice Was Involved in the Accident, Can I Sue For Personal Injures?
The presence of ice is not a bar to bringing a personal injury claim. While claims are not prohibited, it can make recovery more difficult. It may happen relatively infrequently, the area can get hit...
Slip And Falls On The Ice And Snow: Parking Lots, Sidewalks, And Apartment Buildings?
A “premises liability case” is the more formal name, both within the legal industry and outside it, for what most people call “slip and falls”. Not surprisingly, there is a ras...