
Over the course of the last decade, I’ve published in excess of 700 articles in the areas of personal injury, criminal defense, workers’ compensation and insurance disputes, generally. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to contact me to discuss the details of your case and learn how I can help.

Car Accident Attorney Lauraville 21214
Baltimore has, over the years billed itself as a “city of neighborhoods”. I am a car accident attorney for Lauraville, in Baltimore’s 21214, although I handle personal injury cases t...
What Are Manslaughter by Vehicle and Criminal Negligence in Maryland?
We’ve seen that a person who drives a vehicle in a grossly negligent manner, and causes death, commits manslaughter by vehicle, and can be subject to 10 years in prison. Seasoned Balti...
Homicide By Motor Vehicle While Under The Influence Of Alcohol or Impaired in Maryland
Negligent driving, alone, that results in the death of a person carries a penalty of three years. As Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you. The penalties go up if a vehicle and alcohol are involved...
What are the Penalties for a Child Abuse Conviction?
There is no question this is an ugly subject. Many good criminal defense lawyers Attorney Eric T. Kirk in Baltimore will shy away from representing those accused of these crimes. The social stigm...
Child Abuse – What Effect Does a Severe Severe Injury Have on the Charge?
The distinction in first and second degree child abuse rests on the severity of harm to the child victim. Experienced criminal defense lawyers Attorney Eric T. Kirk in Baltimore are aware the sta...
What is the Difference Between Child Abuse and Child Neglect?
Seasoned criminal defense lawyers Attorney Eric T. Kirk in Baltimore have successfully argued that, although either form of conduct is reprehensible, their client’s actions with respect to...
Threatening and Attempting to Burn under Maryland Law
Criminal Defense attorneys in Baltimore know that a written of verbal threat to burn a structure or set off a bomb, is treated seriously, carrying a penalty of 10 years in prison. Baltimore Criminal D...
Is Burning with Intent to Defraud Different Than Arson?
These are separate crimes, and the difference is in then intent of the perpetrator. Arson requires that the criminal act willfully and maliciously in setting something ablaze. Baltimore Criminal...
Is Malicious Burning Different from Arson In Maryland?
The crime of arson encompasses the burning of dwelling and structures. Criminal defense lawyers Attorney Eric T. Kirk in Baltimore have successfully argued that a different crime is involved when...
Smuggling Drugs to Baltimore Inmates.
It comes as surprise to some to hear that 4 adults could overdose on a controlled and dangerous substance -while in prison. The prevalence of drugs in correctional facilities is well documented....
Is Identity Theft Also Considered A Crime In Baltimore, MD?
Not surprisingly, it is a crime to obtain the personal identifying information of another with the purpose of obtaining something of value in the name of that other person. Criminal defense attorneys...