Car Accident Attorney Lauraville 21214
Baltimore has, over the years billed itself as a “city of neighborhoods”. I am a car accident attorney for Lauraville, in Baltimore’s 21214, although I handle personal injury cases t...
Can I Get In Trouble For Not Taking My Rental Car Back On Time?
There are a multitude of commonsense reasons why a rental may be late. It seems obvious that additional charges, or penalties, may be imposed [and debated]. But, “Can I Get In Trouble For Not Ta...
How Does One Exert Unauthorized Control Over Property?
Experienced criminal defense lawyers in Baltimore, Attorney Eric T. Kirk MD are well aware the State can prove a theft by showing a defendant exerted control over property without permission. The...
Is Misappropriation by a Fiduciary A Crime in Maryland?
Fiduciary. Funny sounding word. Criminal defense attorneys in Baltimore, MD will tell you it is a label the law may apply to designate someone that stands in a position of: trust and confidential...
Is Unauthorized Use The Same As Theft?
In some states, similar provisions are, or at a time were, referred to as “joy riding” statutes. Criminal defense lawyers in Baltimore, MD know that in this jurisdiction, the crime is refe...
Can I Be Charged With Theft If I Was Allowed to Have The Property?
Criminal defense attorneys in Baltimore Attorney Eric T. Kirk MD know that stealing is taking of something from another, with the intent to deprive that person of the ownership of that item. We h...
What Exactly is the Property of Another?
Criminal defense lawyers in Baltimore MD will tell you that property, within the meaning of the theft statute, can be anything that holds value. The law provides a non-exclusive list of things that ca...
What Is Defalcation Under Maryland Law?
Defalcation. A pop singer from the 80s, or a crime? It’s something most people have never heard of. Indeed, many lawyers have never heard of it. Baltimore criminal defense Attorney Eric T. Kirk...
Can I Be Convicted of Trespassing if A No Trespassing Sign Was Not Posted?
A good criminal defense lawyer Attorney Eric T. Kirk in Baltimore MD will tell you that a ‘NO TRESPASSING’ sign must be posted where it should be seen by the public in order to subject a v...
What, Exactly, is Wanton Trespass Under Maryland Law?
Maryland law states that only wanton trespass, after being warned that you are not welcome, is prohibited. As Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you. “Wanton” means extremely reckless, o...
Is It Illegal to Be A Peeping Tom?
Knowledgeable criminal defense attorneys in Baltimore Attorney Eric T. Kirk MD know that Maryland law punishes a trespass, even where there is no sign, and no warning. It is a misdemeanor f...