Car Accident Attorney Lauraville 21214
Baltimore has, over the years billed itself as a “city of neighborhoods”. I am a car accident attorney for Lauraville, in Baltimore’s 21214, although I handle personal injury cases t...
What is Considered A Bad Check? Can I Be Charged with a Crime?
Everyone who has ever bounced a check is not charged with a crime, and bouncing a check, standing alone, is not criminal. Honest mistakes happen. It’s probably a safe bet that everyone with a ch...
I’ve been charged with Theft. What is Theft?
In these guides, I’ll explore in detail the myriad ways that one can commit a theft. Criminal defense lawyers in Baltimore Attorney Eric T. Kirk MD that remember their law school classes wi...
Is Unauthorized Control The Same As Stealing?
Maryland law prohibits knowingly obtaining or exerting unauthorized control over the property of another with the intent to deprive the owner of the property, or with the intent to conceal the propert...
In Baltimore, MD, is Larceny The Same As Stealing?
Baltimore Criminal defense lawyers like Attorney Eric T. Kirk are likely well versed on the Maryland theft statue, an omnibus or catchall provision, covering all manner of nefarious conduct, prev...
What If I Did Not Know It Belonged To Someone Else? Can I Be Charged With Theft?
Criminal defense lawyers in Baltimore Attorney Eric T. Kirk MD are well aware than any crime requires proscribed conduct, plus the simultaneous existence of a culpable state of mind possesse...
Stealing Grocery Carts in Baltimore
Why Grocery Cart Theft in Baltimore, MD Doesn’t Make Sense The theft of grocery carts in Baltimore, MD, is a misguided and ultimately harmful endeavor. As the time honored saying goes: “We...
Possession of Stolen Goods. What If I Did Not Know the Goods Were Stolen?
Being in possession of goods that one knows are in fact stolen, or that one believes probably have been stolen is a form of theft. Criminal defense lawyers in Baltimore Attorney Eric T. Kirk MD k...
Can I Be Accused of Stealing Property I Own Jointly With My Spouse?
Baltimore criminal defense attorneys have made this argument in many contexts, in many courts, for many years. “If one has an ownership interest in the property and is entitled to possession one...
What is Considered Theft by Deception?
Prosecutors have the leeway to prove a theft occurred in multiple ways. One is to show a knowing use of deception to gain unauthorized control over the property of another with the intent to deprive t...
What Does It Mean to Deprive Someone of Their Property?
Experienced criminal defense lawyers in Baltimore, Attorney Eric T. Kirk MD are acutely aware the State must prove that an alleged thief intended to deprive the owner of his or her property. The...