Car Accident Attorney Lauraville 21214
Baltimore has, over the years billed itself as a “city of neighborhoods”. I am a car accident attorney for Lauraville, in Baltimore’s 21214, although I handle personal injury cases t...
What is Boating Under The Influence in Maryland?
A seasoned DUI / DWI attorney Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you, the crime and the consequences are the same as DUI, except, with a few notable exceptions, you’re in a boat, not...
Can I File a Maryland Claim if the At Fault Driver Was From Another State?
Experienced personal injury lawyers in Baltimore have handled cases where the at -fault party was not from Baltimore, or even from Maryland. This causes potential problems in a few areas. It might be...
Is State Farm a Tough Insurance Company to Settle Claims With?
State Farm is the largest auto accident insurance company. State Farm generates mammoth profits each and every year. Baltimore personal injury and car accident lawyers Attorney Eric T. Kirk ...
Is Nationwide Considered a Difficult Insurance Company to Settle With?
Nationwide, the nations 8th largest auto insurer, is a gargantuan operation with in excess of 30,000 employees. Nationwide posted profits of 893 million in 2010 and 716 million in...
Is It Difficult to Get a Good Settlement from Progressive Insurance Company?
Progressive insurance company is the fourth largest automobile insurance company in the United States. Personal injury and accident lawyers Attorney Eric T. Kirk in Baltimore have seen that Progr...
Is GEICO a Fair Insurance Company to Get A Setlemement From?
GEICO is one of the largest auto accident insurance companies in the land, and the largest in Maryland. GEICO is massively profitable. If you have any doubt about that, consider these two salient fact...
Is Liberty Mutual a Good Company to Get a Settlement From.
Liberty Mutual is an enormously profitable American insurance company. Baltimore personal injury and car accident lawyers Attorney Eric T. Kirk have also seen that the major auto insurers employ...
Is USAA an Easy Insurance Company To Get a Settlement From?
Although perhaps somewhat below the radar screen of most national consumers, USAA is well known to Baltimore personal injury and accident lawyers Attorney Eric T. Kirk handling Maryland car accid...
What Is The Value Of My Personal Injury Case? – Insurance Company Delayed Claims
I’ve seen over the years that insurance companies employ various models to combat claims. One method is outright denial. Here, the insurance company takes the position that either there was...
How Much Money Do Insurance Companies Make?
I’ve given a lot of attention in these guides to the insurance industry. The careful reader will note a common thread, well known to Baltimore personal injury and accident lawyers- insuranc...