Car Accident Attorney Lauraville 21214
Baltimore has, over the years billed itself as a “city of neighborhoods”. I am a car accident attorney for Lauraville, in Baltimore’s 21214, although I handle personal injury cases t...
If I Get Hit From Behind, Is The Other Driver Automatically At Fault?
Is the driver that strikes from behind responsible? Seasoned Maryland car and automobile accident lawyers will tell you the answer, generally, is yes, but it is not an automatic result. All drive...
What Is a Low Speed Collision? Can The Insurance Company Deny My Claim Because of This?
Baltimore car and automobile accident lawyers will tell you that “low-speed collision” it is a term of art for the insurance industry really meaning: “We are not going to...
Take My Baltimore Injury Case to Trial /Settle My Auto Case?
While no competent Baltimore car accident lawyer will tell you an exact value of your personal injury case to the penny, experienced attorneys familiar with car accidents in this jurisdiction can...
The Disappearing Motorist
This is not truly a situation involving a ‘hit and run“, or at least it is a variant on that theme. Perhaps this situation can be though of as a ‘delayed hit and run’. In other...
Am I Entitled To Compensation For A Hit And Run Accident?
Maryland car accident lawyers Attorney Eric T. Kirk are aware that every insurance policy issued in Maryland must include coverage for damages caused by unidentified motorists unless that coverag...
Can A Computer Tell Me How Much I Should Recover Or How Much My Case Is Worth?
Insurance companies believe they can. Maryland car accident lawyers believe that something in the neighborhood of 7 out of 10 property insurance companies use “settlement software”. Foremo...
Is My Car Accident On Film Or Surveillance Camera Footage?
One of the keys to assessing the value of any Baltimore personal injury case is determining the strength of the liability portion. Seasoned Baltimore personal injury and accident lawyers are well awar...
Can I Go to My Doctor And Request My Medical Records?
It seems like it should be easy. Medical records and bills are needed to support a personal injury claim. The doctors office has them. You should be able to go the to the office and pick them up. Easy...
Does It Matter If I Did Not Have My Seatbelt On During The Car Accident?
Maryland car accident lawyers that try their cases often deal with situations involving seatbelts. Of course the law provides that you have to wear one, but the failure to wear one is not relevant in...
What if the Police Report Said There Were No Injuries at the Scene?
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration [NHTSA], there are over 5 million reported car accidents per year. Most people are well aware that not all collisions between vehic...