Car Accident Attorney Lauraville 21214
Baltimore has, over the years billed itself as a “city of neighborhoods”. I am a car accident attorney for Lauraville, in Baltimore’s 21214, although I handle personal injury cases t...
What Happens If An Insurance Company Does Not Offer Its Policy Limits?
The possibility of obtaining a financial recovery beyond the limits of any possible insurance coverage clearly has an enormous impact on the value of the case. Maryland has relatively modest minimum m...
What is The “Last Clear Chance” Doctrine?
Under Maryland law, those that contribute to the happening that causes them injury do not have a claim against anyone else that contributes to that same event. This is called contributory negligence,...
Can The At Fault Party’s Insurance Company Deny My Claim, Delay My Settlement or Disclaim Coverage?
A crucial fact for any injured person to recognize, and be prepared to deal with, is that an involved insurance company does not want to compensate you. Perhaps it is counter-intuitive. Insurance is d...
Contributory Negligence: Can I Recover for an Accident if I’m Negligent, Even in the Smallest Way?
The law of five jurisdictions, Alabama, District of Columbia*, Maryland, North Carolina, Virginia, contains the doctrine of “contributory negligence”. An experienced Baltimore car and auto...
How Much Is My Case Worth? Will You Make a Good Witness at Trial?
Is there a subjective component to how much compensation you recover? You bet there is, which highlights some of the inherent complexities in assigning value to a case. Seasoned Baltimore persona...
Do I have to Have A Permanent Injury to Get A Settlement?
I’ve talked in other chapters of these guides about the effect, good or bad- of the testimony of the injured person on the outcome of the trial. Even seasoned Baltimore personal injury and...
If I Don’t Go To Physical Therapy Does It Affect the Value of My Case?
Everyone has day-to-day responsibilities and obligations. Jobs, kids and the like. Being involved in an automobile accident can make getting those obligations met all the more difficult. It’s no...
Can I Recover My Car Rental Expenses After My Car Was Damaged or Totaled?
Of course, many things, other than personal injury, come up in the aftermath of a car accident. If there are injuries, of course, attendance to those issues is paramount. Property damage issues a...
Is a Clear Liability Case Worth More Than Disputed Liability Case?
Multiple chapters in these guides have addressed the various rules and doctrines that determine if you can recover for your personal injuries, and from whom. Implicit in these discussions is the notio...
Should I Document All of My Expenses After A Car Accident?
I Attorney Eric T. Kirk discussed in another guide a concept familiar to all experienced Baltimore personal injury and accident lawyers that try their cases- the pain diary. [i.e....