Car Accident Attorney Lauraville 21214
Baltimore has, over the years billed itself as a “city of neighborhoods”. I am a car accident attorney for Lauraville, in Baltimore’s 21214, although I handle personal injury cases t...
Value of An Average Baltimore Car Accident Case ?
The figures recited here are a little dated at this point. Unfortunately, I am not aware of any recent national study of the breadth and scope of the undertaking relied upon for the statistics herein....
What is a Cervical Strain or Sprain?
Baltimore personal injury lawyers handling motor vehicle and car accident cases deal with these types of injuries on a daily basis. A ligament is a sinew that attaches bone to bone. [e.g. the “A...
Can Hiring the Right Lawyer Win My Case?
Perhaps another way to ask this question is: “Can hiring the wrong lawyer lose my case”? Obviously, your lawyer has a great deal to do with your case, the amount of your recovery, and...
What Happens If You Sustain a Concussion or TBI in a Maryland Automobile Accident ?
15% of people sustaining concussions in a car accident will develop severe, permanent symptoms. Within the last few years, the prevalence and potential severity of head injuries have moved to the...
Can the Police Keep Your Money or Your Car By Saying its Drug Related?
“They took my car/money/gun/house!” Well, “they” is law enforcement. And yes, they can, and they do. Frequently. But that does not mean you, as a property owner are without rec...
The Herniated Disc v. Disc Bulge v. Slipped Disc v. Pinched Nerve
Personal injury lawyers in Baltimore have seen myriad labels applied to this condition: slipped disc, pinched nerve, ruptured disc, bulging disc, protrusion, disc bulge without frank herniation. Some...
What are Libel and Slander?
Libel or slander is the inappropriate publication of a false and defamatory statement about another who is either a private person, or a public figure where the statement involves a private matt...
Does it Matter if They Fixed the Problem After I got Injured?
This article addresses an evidentiary principle familiar to seasoned personal injury lawyers in Baltimore, As Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you. When repairs are made to a defective condition t...
Can An Insurance Company Deny My Claim and Say Their Driver was Not Negligent or At Fault ?
We discussed in another chapter that proof of a violation of law, ordinance or code can be presented, and may be considered as some evidence of negligence in a Baltimore personal injury case. However,...
Am I Responsible if my Child Causes a Car Accident?
Am I responsible for my child’s negligence? Generally, personal injury lawyers in Baltimore will tell their clients the answer is “no”, which makes any parent whose child is about to...