
Over the course of the last decade, I’ve published in excess of 700 articles in the areas of personal injury, criminal defense, workers’ compensation and insurance disputes, generally. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to contact me to discuss the details of your case and learn how I can help.

Car Accident Attorney Lauraville 21214
Baltimore has, over the years billed itself as a “city of neighborhoods”. I am a car accident attorney for Lauraville, in Baltimore’s 21214, although I handle personal injury cases t...
Who Can I Sue for Causing an Accident. Can an Automobile Maker Be Held Liable?
The law requires vehicle makers to use reasonable care in the design, manufacture, testing and inspection of the automobile, and ensure that it is safe for foreseeable uses. If they fail, that is evid...
Can Insurance Company Say “No One” Is At Fault for Causing A Baltimore Accident?
Can Insurance Company Say “No One” Is At Fault for Causing A Baltimore Accident? You bet they can, and do. Personal injury lawyers have heard this argued one more than one occasion. Whethe...
How To Prove The Other Driver Was At-Fault For A Car Accident.
It is usually clear in the case of car accidents which vehicles were involved -although who was at fault may be hotly disputed. In fact, experienced Baltimore personal injury lawyers will tell you tha...
How Is Negligence Determined?
Each of us, whether in the operation of a car, in our work activities, or in just simply going about the tasks of everyday life, owes each of our fellow citizens an obligation to conduct ourselves in...
I Was Hit While On A Bicycle -Do I Have A Personal Injury Case?
Of course the rules of the road, including the duty to use due care, apply to the operators of bicycles. Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you. It has come as a surprise to some of my clients that a bic...
What are Damages?
Our civil justice is premised on the idea that although money is a poor substitute for one’s physical health and peace of mind, Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you. it is how our law measures th...
Who Pays To Fix My Car After Baltimore Accident? I Don’t Want My Rates to Go Up.
Who Pays To Fix My Car After A Baltimore Car Accident? I Don’t Want My Rates to Go Up. Of course, if someone damages you, and your car, through no fault of your own, you are entitled to recover...
The Ambulance, Police Car, Fire Truck Caused The Accident. Can I Sue Them?
The drivers of emergency vehicles have a duty to operate those vehicles safely, even when responding to emergency calls, in the pursuit of suspects, or responding to a fire alarm. Although these emerg...
Speeding, Negligence, Fault and a Baltimore Automobile Accident
Evidence that a person was traveling faster than the posted speed limit – while perhaps difficult to prove- can be considered evidence that the speeder was negligent in the operation of the vehi...
What is a Wrongful Death Claim?
In other guides, what some might call “garden variety” negligence is discussed. Car accidents, slips, falls and the like- where the injuries might be mild to serious, but not life threaten...