Car Accident Attorney Lauraville 21214
Baltimore has, over the years billed itself as a “city of neighborhoods”. I am a car accident attorney for Lauraville, in Baltimore’s 21214, although I handle personal injury cases t...
Can I Be Charged With CDS Possession in Baltimore if the Drugs Are Not Mine?
Under Maryland law, one does not actually have to have prohibited items in their hand, or on their person, to be found to have possessed it. As attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you, constructive posses...
Contributory Negligence in Baltimore. Can I Recover If I Cause or Contribute to Auto Accident?
The law of five jurisdictions, Alabama, District of Columbia *, Maryland, North Carolina, Virginia, contains the doctrine of “contributory negligence”. An experienced Baltimore personal in...
Must Binding Plea Bargain Agreements be Honored By Judge ?
A binding plea agreement is like a contract. If the prosecutor offers something to a criminal defendant in exchange for the plea, and the defendant accepts, an agreement is formed. Here is one court h...
Can I Sue A Company If Their Employee Is Driving The Car Or Truck That Hit Me ?
You can make a claim against the business or company that employs the person that caused the accident, and the responsible driver as well. As a general rule, an employee of a business commits an act o...
Is Eyewitness Identification Testimony Reliable in a Criminal Case?
Legal arguments are available to the skilled legal practitioner. Criminal defense attorneys frequently argue that the identification, whether made in court or out-of-court, should not be admitted in e...
What is A Diminished Value Claim? Is My Car Worth Less Because It Has Been Wrecked?
As Attorney Eric T. Kirk personal injury clients sometimes ask, in addition to their medical bills, pain and suffering and the cost of repair of their vehicle, if they can recover for the diminished v...
How Do I make a Claim for Uninsured Motorist Insurance Coverage ?
While not necessarily a direct factor used in determining the value of your personal injury claim, an experienced Baltimore personal injury lawyer will tell you: The amount of your uninsured or underi...
My Insurance Company Won’t Pay or Denied my Uninsured Motorist Insurance Claim
Let’s say you have the misfortune of being injured in an automobile accident, and you sustain personal injuries, incur medical bills, and experience wage loss. What if the at-fault-driver had th...
Can the Police Just Set up Roadblocks for Sobriety Checkpoints?
In MICHIGAN DEPT. OF STATE POLICE v. SITZ, 496 U.S. 444 (1990), the Supreme Court approved the use of sobriety checkpoints as an aid to apprehend those in violation the DUI laws. The subject chec...
Do I Have to Pay Taxes on My Personal Injury Settlement or Award?
NO TAX /BANKRUPTCY/ESTATE PLANNING ADVICE: Eric Kirk does not handle tax, bankruptcy or trust and estate matters, and does not render legal opinions pertaining to those issues. Please consult a qualif...