
Over the course of the last decade, I’ve published in excess of 700 articles in the areas of personal injury, criminal defense, workers’ compensation and insurance disputes, generally. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to contact me to discuss the details of your case and learn how I can help.

Traffic Accident Legal Representative In Baltimore’s Hampden Zone
As an experienced MVA litigator, I serve those injured in the Hampden neighborhood of Baltimore, Maryland—a vibrant community just northwest of downtown, bounded by the Jones Falls Expressway (I...
Slipped on Black Ice. Can You Sue for your Injuries?
I slipped on the ice. Can I sue? Does it matter if it was “black ice”? As discussed in other articles, Maryland employs the archaic doctrine of “contributory negligence” which...
Can I Sue A Landowner or Store Owner If I get Hurt on Their Property?
When one is injured on the property of another [ e.g in someone’s home or on their land, or in business premises like a story or theater] the claim for personal injury that may ensue is typicall...
What Is The Liability of a Landlord for Injuries ?
A landlord must take reasonable measures to ensure the safety of his or her tenants.If the landlord knew or should have appreciated the likelihood of crimes against tenants or their property because s...
Can I Recover Past or Future Lost Wages/Income in a Personal Injury Case?
I’m missing work. I lost my job. Can I recover my lost wages? What about future wages? These are all difficult and trying realities confronted by those injured in car accidents, or other persona...
Can I Recover for my Future Lost Wages in a Personal Injury Claim?
Past lost wages are generally a straightforward matter. In a serious personal injury action, though, the injured person’s future earnings must be considered. This occurs in two ways. If that inj...
Can the Insurance Company Say My Injury is Pre-Existing ?
Make no mistake, an insurance company will frequently seize on any prior mishap, accident or injury, no matter how slight or remote. That insurance company may argue that any current complai...
What Does A Jury Consider When Awarding Damages/Compensation for Personal Injury?
The job of personal injury counsel is to show how the law applies, favorably, to the factual circumstances of his or her client. As attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you, Maryland law provides that juro...
Am I Entitled to Compensation for Future Problems or Future Expenses Due to My Injury?
Compensation for personal injury is fixed at the time of the resolution of the claim. If closure occurs by settlement, the injured person will be required to sign a document called a...
Is Interest Added To My Personal Injury Settlement, Judgement, Verdict Or Award?
If you resolve your personal injury case by way of a settlement, compensation is typically paid at the time of settlement, especially where there is an insurance company involved. If the settlement fu...
Can I Collect For My Mental Anguish Or Emotional Distress Or Injury From A Car Accident?
Of course if you sustain a serious physical injury due to the negligence of another, and there is accompanying emotional distress, recovery for that distress is not normally in question. What if there...