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Arrested In Baltimore? What Police Don’t Want You To Know

Baltimore Criminal Defense

The idea of being arrested is a nightmare for most people. So if you have recently been placed into handcuffs and are at risk of being charged with a crime, you’re probably worried about how you’re going to get yourself out of jail and avoid the worst repercussions possible. You may be concerned about your future and how the outcome may affect your freedom. Arrested In Baltimore? You can be assured the are things Police Don’t Want You To Know. There are usually so many questions that are going through someone’s mind after an arrest, understandably, especially because the judicial system has proved again and again that it does not treat people fairly or reach verdicts that are always based in truth. You may not trust the process and are unsure what to do next.

As Eric T. Kirk explains, your best line of defense is hiring a lawyer near you that is experienced in representing people accused of a crime. Your lawyer can devise a defense strategy that hopefully keeps you out of jail, or at the very least helps you avoid the most severe consequences. Arrested In Baltimore? Here is what Police don’t want you to know.

What Baltimore Police Don’t Want You To Know, #1: You have rights as soon as you are stopped.

Whether you were halted while in your vehicle or on the street, you have certain rights when it comes to interactions with Baltimore police. There are restrictions on how police can engage with you, and knowing what they are can help protect yourself from police misconduct, abuse, or intimidation tactics. You have the right to due process, and should not be deprived of life, liberty, or property. You have the right to be free from unreasonable seizures and searches, and must be treated in a humane way. You have the right to be told what the charges against you are, your constitutional rights, to consult with a lawyer, and stop answering police questions at any time.

What Baltimore Police Don’t Want You To Know, #2: You do not have to answer their questions.

Baltimore Police may try various strategies to get you to answer their interrogatory questions. But you do not have to offer anything else aside from what is required for your booking, including name and other basic information. Police who seem like they want to be friends are probably just trying to get you to feel comfortable enough to make incriminating statements. It’s best to not answer their questions and state that you refuse to cooperate further until a lawyer is present. Keep in mind that if you call a friend or family member, law enforcement can listen in. However, if you contact a law firm, as almost any Baltimore criminal defense attorney encourages you to do, they are not permitted to do so. Stay as calm as you can, watch what you say, and utilize your right to obtain a lawyer immediately.

Police prefer that you are not informed of your rights so that you don’t use them. In this way, they can manipulate you into making statements that will be used against your case later on. The best thing you can do during an arrest and thereafter is to not answer unnecessary questions and request a lawyer, which is your right to do so.