What Can I Get If I Win My Baltimore Personal Injury Case?
Successful personal injury and accident trial lawyers in Baltimore City, Maryland, obtain an award of damages for their injured clients. “Damages” are what the law labels a monetary award designed to compensate the injured person for the injuries they have sustained. The law currently in effect in Baltimore MD allows for the recovery of economic and non-economic damages. Baltimore injury and car accident attorney Eric T. Kirk frequently advises clients involved in serious automobile accidents that understanding differing compensation is crucial.
What Can I Get If I Win My Baltimore Personal Injury Case? Injured individuals I represent claim and seek are awarded monetary damages, which are broadly categorized into economic and non-economic. Economic damages cover quantifiable losses such as lost wages, future earning capacity, and medical expenses, including rehabilitation and assistive devices. These damages can be substantial after a catastrophic accident. Non-economic damages address the more subjective impacts of an injury, such as emotional distress, pain and suffering, and the inconvenience caused by disfigurement. These damages recognize the broader effects of an injury on a person’s quality of life and the activities they can no longer enjoy.
Economic Damages in a Baltimore Personal Injury Claim, generally.
What Can I Get If I Win My Baltimore Personal Injury Case? Economic damages in a Baltimore personal injury claim are the quantifiable financial losses suffered by the injured party due to the accident. These damages are objective and supported by documentation such as bills, invoices, and wage statements. They are the responsibility of an at-fault party- or their insurance company.
Medical expenses are a primary component, covering hospital bills, surgeries, rehabilitation, prescription medications, and any future medical treatments necessitated by the injury.
Lost wages are also included, compensating for income lost during recovery. If the injury impacts future earning capacity, a claim may seek damages for reduced ability to work.
Property damage, such as repairs or replacement of a vehicle in an auto accident, is also considered. Additionally, costs for home modifications, medical equipment, and in-home care may be recoverable if the injury results in long-term disability.
Out-of-pocket expenses directly related to the injury, including transportation to medical appointments and hiring help for household tasks, may also be claimed. In wrongful death cases, funeral and burial costs are recoverable economic damages.
A thorough economic damage claim requires strong documentation, expert opinions for future losses, and an attorney skilled in maximizing compensation. These damages are crucial in ensuring the injured party is not financially burdened due to someone else’s negligence.
Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you
Maryland law calls compensation in a personal injury case damages or money damages. There are two types of damage that are applicable to a personal injury case. Economic and non-economic. Economic damages are hard number calculations, things that you can whip out a calculator and quickly tabulate. Things like lost wages, things like the payment of medical expenses or perhaps out of pocket expenses. Non-economic damages are a little more nebulous and a little more difficult to pin down. Included here are things like physical, emotional, or psychological pain, distress or discomfort. After a Maryland personal injury case, an injured individual is entitled to collect both economic damages and non-economic damages in an amount fixed by a jury.